Friday, July 25, 2008

Sue and Nancy kept me up til 3am.

Sue gave me the image of this beautiful child and Nancy showed me an excellent toot on gel/acrylic medium transfers, so here's my entry. I made the heart embellishment with UTEE. The whole shebang is on top of one of my alcohol backgrounds (yes, yes, yes, it's PHOTO PAPER! At least I knew better than to heat it this time! LOL) I used a lot of coppery metallics, but they just don't scan very well. *sigh*

Can I go to bed now???



nancy said...

Hey, you did it. With Gel? I'm still not having much success with it. Are these backgrounds you sent me PHOTO PAPER? I love how the image came out here. You must tell me EXACTLY what you did. I'm sort of pulling my hair out.
I'd like a vowel, please.

Stark Raving Newbie said...

Ya know what? Now that I think about it, it was Mod Podge Glossy that I used for this transfer. I did 4 of them until I got a decent one. What I found most interesting was that the little girl's expression seemed to change each time. I can still see paper residue on her face...just keep swimming!


nancy said...

I can't believe you did that with mod podge. I think I need to determine what thickness to use. When I tried some like that, they were thin and stretchy and floppy and I nearly destroyed them. Where are you today? I hope all is well.